Susan Drury’s process to help you release hidden
beliefs and step into a life of peace, clarity, and joy.
1. In which of these areas are you experiencing a challenge right now?
Life circumstances
Personal Satisfaction
Work/Life Purpose
2. If you have ticked off more than one area, hone in on the one that causes most angst – i.e. your current greatest challenge. Write it here, along with a short description of how it affects your life experience.
3. What do you think it is the solution? Is it something within your power, or simply a situation whose external appearance you cannot change?
4. If you could find one positive aspect about this challenge, what comes to your mind? And if your mind cannot come up with anything, lose your eyes, take a deep breath, and simply sit in the question “how is this situation supporting my growth?”Sometimes that will allow a new perspective to come forward. Write down whatever you discover.
5. Whether or not you can actually change this challenge or situation, can you consider that there is something here for you to learn? That this challenge is offering you an opportunity to master something to your growth and evolution?
6. Take your time before answering this question; mostly, we want our difficulties to disappear – but as humans we are here to grow and develop. Often our greatest growth comes through adversity. So take some time and truly consider what this challenge is drawing forth from you and then write it down.
7. Let’s project forward into your life, to the time when this challenge is no longer present for you – i.e. you have mastered what it is here to assist you in realizing. From that future vantage point, if you could look back at where you are now, what advice would you give to yourself? What support would this now-evolved you give to help the present you negotiate your way through this challenging, but fertile opportunity?
Additional Questions for Self-Reflection
1 – What stories or beliefs are you currently holding onto that feel heavy or limiting? This question invites introspection, allowing the individual to identify what mental or emotional baggage they carry.
2 – How do you typically view challenges in your life? Do they feel fixed and serious, or can you see them as temporary experiences? By asking this, the facilitator encourages a shift in perspective, helping the individual see life’s difficulties in a new light.
3 – Have you ever experienced moments where everything feels lighter, where you feel detached from the stress and weight of life? This helps connect the individual to moments of peace they may have already experienced, opening the door to deeper exploration of DLC.
4 – What happens when you begin to see your thoughts and feelings as part of a ‘play’ that is unfolding? Can you observe them without judgment? This question invites the individual to step back and take on the role of the observer, which is central to experiencing DLC.
5 – What would it feel like to let go of your opinions and judgments about others, even those you feel conflicted with? Here, the facilitator is encouraging a release of attachment to personal opinions, fostering compassion and understanding.
6 – As you sit here, can you feel the lightness of being that exists beyond the mind’s stories? What does that feel like in your body? This brings awareness to the physical sensations associated with a higher state of consciousness, helping ground the experience.
7 – Can you imagine a space where love, clarity, and joy are the only truths? How would it feel to live in that space? Visualization can be a powerful tool to help someone imagine and connect with the essence of DLC.
8 – What is one story or thought pattern you’ve held on to that no longer serves you? How does it change when you bring it into this field of light and clarity? By guiding the individual to focus on a specific thought or belief, the facilitator helps them witness its transformation in the DLC state.
9 – What emotions arise when you allow yourself to rest in the knowledge that everything is truly well? This question helps the individual release fears and anxieties, focusing instead on the peace and certainty that DLC offers.
10 – How does this perspective shift your relationship to your day-to-day life? What feels different when you view your life from the DLC state? Reflecting on how DLC affects their daily outlook encourages integration of the experience.
11 – What part of your mind or ego resists entering this field of consciousness, and why? This question encourages a deeper understanding of any resistance, helping the individual confront internal barriers.
12 – What does it mean to you to see the world and others through the lens of compassion, without attachment or judgment? Here, the facilitator prompts reflection on the broader implications of living in a state of DLC, encouraging a shift towards unconditional love and clarity.
Step By Step

Take Your Transformation To The Next Level
“I feel much gratitude for the teachings Susan offers. Her sessions help me connect more deeply with myself.”
~ Georgia Hill