“Knowing others is intelligence, knowing yourself is true wisdom. Mastering others is strength, mastering yourself is true power.” — Tao te Ching, Chapter 33, Stephen Mitchell translation
“Susan’s calm and flexible presence opens a new field. Like Rumi’s line ‘beyond right and wrong’. She is adept at what she does and does it with a deep spiritual connection that brings forth peace”-Ruchi
Masterful living and loving means nothing is excluded. All is part of our transformation and growth.
For the past 30 plus years I have devoted myself to transformation and healing – for myself and as a guide and teacher to others. Within a space of infinite possibility, our challenges are the soil of vast potentials, to be realized within a more expansive, joy-filled, satisfying life.
My Journey
My own apprenticeship in the journey of enlightened healing was initiated in 1989, when I was a 31 year-old wife, mother and singer/actress. Out of the blue, I suddenly began experiencing excruciating shooting, burning pain in the side of my face. Diagnosed as Trigeminal Neuralgia, this initiated a exploration into what true healing really means. Not only have I learned to live and thrive despite periodic challenges of severe chronic pain, but have studied and practiced powerful methodologies to support others as they also work with whatever challenges – physical, emotional, situational, relationship – their lives are presenting to them.
Trigeminal neuralgia is an excruciatingly painful inflammation of the trigeminal nerve—which runs through your face, with 3 separate branches (up across the forehead; from the jaw across the cheek towards the nose; and down along the chin). In my case, it was the middle branch on the right side that was triggered, suddenly sending waves of burning, stabbing, blinding pain from my right jaw across the cheek. After what felt like an eternity, the pain would just as suddenly subside completely. Easily triggered by the most mundane things (talking, eating, rolling over in bed), I felt helpless in its grip.
Trigeminal Neuralgia isn’t something that will kill you, but in the middle of an episode, you may wish you were dead. While sometimes a cause can be discovered (such as physical trauma to the area or a brain tumor), in my case there was no discernible cause. However I was feeling particularly powerless in my life at that time, echoing themes that had run through my experience as a child. This outer condition quite accurately mirrored my inner state at that time.
I explored everything conventional medicine could offer to ameliorate this condition (including brain surgery called Microvascular Decompression), but each time returned yet again to the grips of facial pain. Ultimately I realized this was a mystery only I could solve—and so began my personal and ultimately professional journey into the transformational healing arts.

My Background
My life’s purpose is to bring in a new vision and reality of expansion, healing, elevation, and love into your life.
My background includes professional training, certification, and practice in Craniosacral, homeopathy, the Present Child Method, and Transference Healing. While these modalities offer powerful opportunities for healing, their influences have melded into a healing field beyond any particular paradigm: A space within, which you, as the hero of your sacred life journey, will be able to access the highest possibilities of transformation and elevation.
Within you lives sacred wisdom and guidance, waiting to be called forth. My vision holds the space within which you access not only your own wisdom, but the new experience of alignment and elevation you birth as a result. Elevating your understanding, seeing beyond self-sabotage or hindering external circumstances, allows you to realize the benefit and growth available to you through all life has to offer. Join me in a process to elevate your life into love.
Cranial sacral therapy is a beautiful modality where the therapist gently lays their hands on different parts of the body and tunes in—often against the backdrop of the cranial/spinal fluid rhythm—to help discover and release areas of compression and tension at very deep levels. As a patient, this treatment was so enlightening that it inspired my training as a therapist through the Upledger Institute, completing all the foundational trainings and eventually trainings with Dr. Upledger himself. The deep listening, holding and easing within the physical body often ripples through emotional and even spiritual releases for the client. This training has deeply informed everything I have developed and worked with since that time.
When I first discovered Homeopathy, it felt like coming home! Here was a complete medical system that treated the person in their wholeness—body, mind, emotions, spirit. One of the foundational principles is “like cures like” which means that instead of fighting the symptoms a person is experiencing (whether physical, mental, emotional), we see them as the system’s attempt to relieve an inner disturbance and so find a remedy that will support the release of the disturbance, rather than simply the elimination of the symptom. I graduated from the four-year Vancouver Academy of Homeopathy in 2004 and opened my professional practice. Since that time I have completed many further trainings and graduate courses throughout the world. Although homeopathy is no longer my primary modality, it continues to influence my understanding of whatever you may be experiencing in your life.
The Present Child Method was created by Dutch homeopath Janita Venema and is a deeply transformative way of working with parents and children. When parents find themselves disturbed or challenged by some aspect of their children (behaviorally, physically, emotionally), often it is because the child is reflecting something unconscious within the parent that is ripe for transformation. Using this method, the parent can explore the possible hidden messages being expressed by their child, do their own healing work and thus create greater harmony for themselves and their child—who now is released from carrying this parental burden. Becoming a certified Present Child practitioner has helped me understand that everything in our lives can serve as a mirror for our growth, evolution and elevation. No wrong is ever too great in our journey of transformation and healing.
Transference Healing® is a seventh dimensional frequency-healing and ascension modality that is multidimensional, comprehensive and advanced. It works with the resources of frequency, light and matter (elements) to initiate and support ‘transference’; a shift from one state of being into another. Brought into being by the Australian, Alexis Cartwright, it is a highly structured format of processes designed to support whatever transformational process the client is going through at any level of their being.
"I found that Susan helped me to really listen to what my body was telling me. I have found a person who really cares about my well-being and the remedies have made a huge difference to my physical problems."
Saskia Roland, M.A., R.C.C Registered Clinical Counselor
"Susan's classes have been a game changer for me. I love how she offers a safe space to share (or not share) what is showing up for me in life that week. It leaves me feeling a greater sense of connection with myself and the other members of this little community she has created. I can't speak highly enough about Susan and this community and the positive shifts I have had in my life since beginning."
Carrie Bebenek

Discover the Secret to Transforming Your Past into Healing, Love, and Power
Unravel the intricate tapestry of human experience with Elevating Your Origins to Love. In a world where the journey of being human can be puzzling and complex, this book is your guide to understanding, healing, and ultimately transforming the very core of your existence. Within its pages is your invitation to embark on a transformational journey that promises to reshape your perspective on being human and set you on a course of self-discovery, healing, and empowerment.
What would your life be like, if you experienced every aspect as a way to elevate to love?
It is our problems in life that offer the greatest opportunity for growth. Whatever pain or limitation you may be grappling with can become a source of new freedom and power. By exploring the deep inner knowing within you, your healing and transformational abilities are unleashed.
Together, we can uncover the solutions to your greatest accomplishment: learning to elevate to love.