Dear Friends,
Today we finally have some warm, sunny weather – coinciding with my own emergence from challenging months of physical pain and some very dark nights. It’s been interesting for me that when my book, “Elevating Your Origins to Love: A Guided Journey of Transformation, Healing and Power” was finally published in January, my health took a strange and scary dive – as though some internal house-cleaning needed to happen before I could stand in the world as an ordinary woman bringing forward this missive of love.
As this book finds its way to more people, the breadth of its audience continues to widen. I was humbled to discover this review on Goodreads last week:
“I discovered this book “accidentally” when it popped up as a search result in Google … Opening up “Elevating Your Origins to Love” by Susan Drury, EVERYTHING shifted. Susan met me where my consciousness knew it was and wanted to be. It felt like she was actually with me, guiding me through areas of trauma and family dysfunction in a gentle and understanding way. I was coming from a strange place of complete disconnection with myself, the universe, and the world. As I began reading her book, I noticed that I started moving back into my heart space: the home within myself. I felt a layer of pain release spontaneously last night and an energy of hope rose up to greet me. I have been in a depression for most of this year so this sense of hope felt miraculous.”
This review by an unknown reader affirmed that this book, while indeed written ‘by’ me, was guided and shaped with far more potency than I can lay claim to. Each time I open it, familiar words somehow reveal a new awareness I hadn’t realized before.
We are all so hungry to discover that underneath our pain, our discontent, our regrets, our loss, is a greater wholeness than we’d ever dreamed possible. To recognize that we are each walking a unique, powerful journey, where challenges are necessary parts of our refinement, and no matter how terrible our history, we can transform those wrongs into new openings of understanding. Indeed, of love.
As the book says, “Inherent within each of us are depths of wisdom, understanding, and greatness. Our lives are journeys in which the difficulties we endure and encompass are the very means of our transformation; where every challenge isn’t to hold us back, but to inspire us further. Regardless of your place or position in the world, you are here to walk a hero’s journey.” (Page x)
True perfection seems imperfect,
Yet it is perfectly itself.
(Tao te Ching chapter 41, Stephen Mitchell translation)
Don’t get too hung up on imperfections – when reflected back through the mirror of the heart, it’s always perfect.

Bird… cliff… sea… each one, uniquely perfect. Like you.