Heal, Grow, And Elevate

Elevate & Transform Your Life

We find ourselves when we are no longer being run by the hidden aspects within us. When we let go of the past and step into an expanded consciousness, everything shifts to our benefit.

If you feel the call to dive deeply within you and discover the wonders nestled in your heart and soul, you are in the right place.

I am privileged to have walked the warrior’s journey through many miles of radical self-love and healing. For the past 30 years, I’ve found profound pathways, which I share to empower you toward your own expansiveness.

Through our work together, I guide you to experience more freedom, more choice, more vision, more love for yourself and in every area of your life.

Through the programs and services provided, I offer a compassionate, patient and judgment-free approach to…

Helping you embody a more expansive life experience—whether physical, emotional, psychological, even spiritual—and embrace a new, more satisfying, and loving reality.
Discovering the empowering truth hiding within stories of pain, trauma, or health issues that now become revealed as benevolent challenges on your masterful hero’s journey.
Seeing beyond your self-limiting perceptions and consciously stepping into your heroic greatness!
Susan Drury

Sessions & Mentoring

Private sessions and mentoring to support you in solving life’s problems, mastering life’s challenges, and elevating your life to love.

Susan Drury


Individual and group courses, offered online, to help you open your heart, unravel life’s tapestry, and awaken the love and light within you.

Susan Drury

Events &

Live, in-person lectures, workshops, master classes, meditations, and retreats – including Sri Lanka & inviting Susan to speak.

Susan meets you where you are, with appreciation and support.

Through individual and group programs, you can pivot your energy in the direction of elevation and transformation, aligning yourself with the new potentials you are calling yourself into being.

Although we are all human, each of us is unique—in our individuality as people, as well as the specific experiences in our life journeys. I know that nothing in your life is there as a punishment, irredeemable wrong or true obstacle, but instead is a potential opening into greater light and love.

Elevating your life, mining the gold underneath whatever challenge or obstacle you are grappling with, is a supremely empowering process. There is no right or wrong way—there is YOUR way, and it is sacred, however you call it to yourself.

Our human parents probably did the best they could—but few of us grew up feeling unconditional love. Yet that’s where we start together—knowing your absolute rightness. Of course we all live within the confusion of judgments, criticisms, pain, challenges; you and I both, like everyone else, are works in progress.

There is always more to be awakened, more to be embraced, more elevation into greater love and joy to be experienced. So we start wherever you are. No need to be anywhere else, right here and now is perfect.

What new expansion are you ready to birth into your experience? What new reality would you like to manifest in your life?

Our childhood experiences, interpreted within a human design that protects our physical survival combined with a brain and nervous system that needs years to fully develop, led us early on to make innumerable assumptions about life—and accept them as truth. However, upon closer examination, these assumptions came from highly limited understanding of specific circumstances—hardly universal truths. While they brought us to where we are today, they now may hinder rather than help us.

To live a more aligned, free, and joyful life, many of our childhood beliefs are ripe to be uncovered, questioned, seen beyond, and gently dis-engaged from. We don’t need to divorce ourselves from our past, but instead be open and accepting of all those influences so they may serve their highest potential—as powerful pathways on our hero’s journey, leading us into further elevation and growth.

When everything in our past and present becomes nourishment along our ever-unfolding journey to expanded love and freedom, we can live our best selves. This is the heart of Elevating Your Origins to Love: A Guided Journey of Transformation, Healing and Power.

Susan’s Recent Articles

Why Wellness Retreats Improve Long-Term Well-Being

The Science Behind Transformational Wellness Experiences Holistic wellness retreats aren’t just a luxury; they serve as a transformative experience that fosters long-term health and well-being. These retreats provide an immersive ...

The Power of Mindfulness in Spiritual Growth

How Meditation Enhances Spiritual Engagement and Well-Being A research study published in the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) highlights the profound impact of meditation practices on various aspects of ...

Healing – It’s in the Energy

Although I’ve always been interested in transformation and healing, it wasn’t until my own health took a serious dive into chronic pain at the age of 31, that I became ...
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