Although I’ve always been interested in transformation and healing, it wasn’t until my own health took a serious dive into chronic pain at the age of 31, that I became compelled to explore beyond conventional medicine. The mixed blessing of having a life-changing ailment that pharmaceutical/surgical procedures cannot fix, is that you are ultimately thrown onto your own resources.
Finally recognizing that nothing “out there” can truly transform what seems to be wrong “in here,” initiated me through an evolution of paradigm shifts. When I look back over the past 35 years, I can see my transition from all-out despair, to resignation, to acceptance, to curiosity, and ultimately to love: where, with gratitude, I appreciate this physical body as the vehicle of my soul’s journey.
Of course there have been many people and modalities “out there” that have supported me, and helped hone my abilities to help others. Most of them – such as shamanic healing, cranial sacral therapy, homeopathy, Present Child Method, and connecting to energetic frequencies in a meditative field – focus on shifting at the energetic level.
Homeopathy, for example, a medical system that has been in world-wide use since the early 1800’s and continues to successfully treat millions of people every year, was founded on the understanding that ailments arise from an energetic ‘mis-tunement.’ When we are out of energetic coherence, it creates a discord. Anything that opposes our unique, individual integrity, creates energetic conflict within.
When enough of our energetic integrity is compromised, this discord will be expressed through some kind of alteration in feeling, function, or form – physically, mentally, emotionally, even spiritually. Energetic mis-tunements exist on many levels of our being, as we interact with the world and its challenges.

Consider that even our DNA contains energetic incoherence, assumed through the preceding generations. Although you may not have suffered from a particular illness or experience, if someone in your family lineage recovered from tuberculosis, for example, or lived through horrific trauma, the ‘energy’ of that disease or experience may have been passed down to you. You may carry a genetic susceptibility to lung weakness; or experience sudden panic in narrow or crowded places. Even our thought or belief patterns can become mis-tunements of energy, creating external situations of struggle or unhappiness.
Regardless of where its effects become manifest, the original cause remains within the energy field. Finding the energetic harmonizer – whether through a homeopathic remedy or other resonant modality – will initiate transformation at the energetic level, rippling out through the physical, emotional, mental, spiritual – creating healing change across the field of our perceptions.
The ultimate coherent energy is a frequency of pure, undiluted, uncompromised love (or light) – something even the most evolved will periodically fall out of! Within this complex world, mis-tunement/incoherence is what inspires us to evolve further.
True healing can be considered a gradual journey of elevating: from chaos, to coherence. To coming further into alignment with our purest energetic essence. Accepting our goodness and value. Our mission to love and grow. Our willingness to accept the many challenges of life, because the journey itself is the means of our evolution.
Consciously addressing and seeking to elevate our energy doesn’t guarantee we miraculously heal physical ailments (although it can happen); but as we resolve our hurts, make peace with our past and find contentment within ourselves, we move into a place of coherent, aligned strength. Where we can meet whatever life brings, with grace and gratitude.