It’s enlightening to realize that we humans are designed – neurologically, psychologically, physically, energetically – to evolve. Our lives may seem to be measured mostly on outer-world ‘doings,’ but underneath, like a winding river, we are human ‘Beings’ embodying a inner journey of transformation.
Consider how a human life begins. Like a seed, we get planted into an environment – the particular people and place we are born into. As we start to sprout, we are shaped by what we experience. Good, bad, rich, poor, loving or harsh, our particular terrain will contain aspects of everything, in varying degrees. Pain, restriction and discontent are early experiences common to us all, no matter how benevolent our familial garden.
Science has discovered that fetuses surrounded by the ever-changing chemical, hormonal cocktail of their mother’s emotional inner world, are positively stimulated from a certain amount of stress. Of course we cannot order up the perfect environment, including the perfect amount of pre-natal stress – but this suggests that even within the womb, challenges are necessary ingredients for our growth.
Our particular families will provide any number of challenges, experienced when we are small, powerless, and naïve about the greater workings of the world. What we assume from those challenges becomes the lens through which we view life, and ourselves – a lens we assume is universally true.
Once grown, we subconsciously still lug many of those assumptions along, where they influence our decisions, actions, reactions – long after our outer environment and the people within it, have changed. Despite living in a world filled with infinite variety and possibilities, we will find ourselves repeating certain unsatisfying patterns – familiar situations or relationship dynamics, unproductive behaviors or emotional states.
This is the place where all of us end up at some time or another – because, like it or not, discomfort is a potent invitation to growth. The good news is that this is exactly the way it’s supposed to be. We can trust our journey, even when it seems to be bringing us everything we absolutely don’t want. Our design lets us know, through our discomfort, where we are ripe for transformation. But it’s up to us whether we reach for it, or not.

If you look at places of discontent in your life experience, what if they were there to stimulate a more elevated consciousness? What if you could transform pain into grateful, new understandings? What if those perceived ‘wrongs’ could usher in a more joyful, present reality?
Well guess what – your beingness is built to do just that! You are created to grow, to transform, to elevate, to heal. Regardless of where your life is moving forward and where you remain stuck in discontent, all of us will make some kind of shifts – hopefully positive – in our lifetimes. It’s part of the human journey.
What happens, though, when we consciously decide to take personal responsibility for our growth? In that moment, all the healing power that’s been waiting within, is awakened. The right people, places, situations, events just waiting to assist, will appear in right timing. It may sound fantastical, it may sound like magic (how many parents teach us how powerful and worthy we are?) but the support is there.
Dare to believe in yourself as an evolutionary being, aligning in service to your own growth and that of others. You aren’t here to just ‘do;’ you are here to be – in a continual process of evolution and growth.
Thank you for being here!