Free Meditation Event

Find Clarity & Peace Through Right-Action
A Free Transformational Workshop

A Free, Inspiring Session With Susan Drury

Discover what motivates you in life
Understand the deeper roots of your actions
Discern between social conditioning and your truth
Go beyond challenging emotions and connect deeply
with your inner wisdom
Journey within through guided inquiry and meditative practices
Expand your awareness and access higher consciousness levels

WED. OCT. 30, 2024
7 PM

RON ANDREWS Community Centre
N. Vancouver
Limited spots available

“As humans, we must take actions – but whether our actions bring us peace or disturbance depends on our ability to distinguish between action inspired by higher guidance and action arising from internal feelings of anger, hurt, separation, inferiority, confusion.”

~ Susan Drury

What Participants In Susan’s Classes & Events Say

“I am experiencing an overall sense of peace, and with that I’m not only better able to deal with life’s challenges but I’m able to see how they are growing and evolving me along the way.” – K. Brown

“Susan’s classes have helped me to stay aligned and centered. Susan’s wisdom and energy is one of a kind.” – Mona Tavassoli

“I feel much gratitude for the teachings Susan offers. Her sessions help me connect more deeply with myself – and Susan skillfully creates a safe, healing space
where all are welcome.” – Georgia Hill


Susan has been teaching meditation and healing for more than 25 years. Her self-exploration and meditation techniques help you step into an expanded field of awareness and experience a profound connection with yourself.

This event is a rare opportunity to be guided by her in person. Group meditations guided by an experienced teacher are powerful ways to elevate and deepen your meditation practice.

As this is an in-person event, spots are limited.

The master doesn’t think about her actions;
They arise from the core of her being.

~ Tao Te Ching

If you want to truly be free,
Perform every action as worship.

~ Bhagavad Gita

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