Human Doing or Human Being?

This morning in the shower, I started focusing on all I had to do today (yikes!); which quickly morphed into all the really important things I had to do over the next few days, with looming time deadlines (triple-yikes!!!).

As my mind became more wrapped up in all these doings, unconsciously I started actually moving faster. Rushing through the steps of hair drying, dressing, etc, my inner directive was urgently broadcasting “MOVE IT!” throughout my nervous system. My body/mind/emotions were overwhelmed with the belief that there wasn’t enough time to do everything I wanted – NEEDED! – to get done.

Can you relate to that panicky state of ‘hurry, hurry, hurry?’ While the belief of ‘not enough time’ is hardly limited to the holidays, it’s definitely a potential pitfall that can get triggered – especially the further into the season we go.

But suddenly I realized the state I was in! Like flipping a breaker switch, immediately I slowed down my pace.  Literally! Deliberately shifting my body/mind from the ‘all hands on deck’ urgency into slower movement, I interrupted that anxious hurrying and allowed myself just enough freedom to choose a different awareness: where I know myself as a creative being, living in a reality where there IS enough time, enough space.  A reality where not only will everything get done, but get done more pleasurably and with ease.

Look at this text you are reading.  Likely you are only paying attention to the words within the sentences, reading quickly, automatically.  So right now, SWITCH YOUR FOCUS!! Interrupt your momentum to instead notice the spaces: the emptiness between sentences, between words, even between the letters in the words.  Notice how, quite literally, everything is surrounded by space! 

Same thing with time.  When we only focus on the tasks that need to be done within our self-imposed belief system of clock-time, we can feel quite squeezed.  But instead, deliberately focus on each moment – i.e., stay within the present moment – and slow yourself down to remain conscious of the space/time within which you are moving and acting.  Feel it almost as a substance, malleable, which you can extend exactly as it is needed. 

When we keep ourselves focused on the present moment and doing one thing at a time, we act from the place of true power – our Beingness – instead of some mental construct of ourselves only as ‘doers.’ When you masterfully, lovingly, consciously hold yourself and the world around you in this state of being in the present, amazingly all that’s needed to get done, gets done – in perfect time!

Susan Drury


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